Don’t Make This Tragic Mistake When Your Dog Misbehaves

Source: Dr. Becker

This is a sickening, heart-wrenching story I’d rather not repeat, but there’s an important message in it, so I hope you’ll bear with me.

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Video: Puppies Sold from Pick-up

Source: SHARK

What kind of person sells puppies from the back of a pickup, like watermelons?

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Rundown of dangerous collars

Source: Dez McKay

Quick rundown of pinch/prong, choke and shock collars. The author even linked back to me! Important for anyone on the fence.

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Choosing a humane collar


Choke chains, prong collars, shock collars (aka e-collars) belong in the trash. This video explains why, and what you can choose instead - if you don't want to inflict pain.

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Welfare In Dog Training


Providing the public with information on behavior of dogs, the consequences of aversive training techniques, and where to go for advice.

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Is Punishment Really a Quick Fix?


I haven’t yet met a person who wants to cause their dog pain. And yet many owners turn to shock collars (also known as electronic collars or e-collars) and other “quick fix” methods such as harsh jerking with a choke chain or prong collar to stop unwanted behaviors.

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The science behind why dominance-theory is flawed


To those who do not agree with the info on this website, please take the time to read the science behind it, before making up your mind.

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Cesar Millan - Pack of Lies


Essentially, National Geographic and Cesar Millan have cleverly repackaged and promoted a simplistic view of the dog’s social structure and constructed around it a one-size-fits-all, cookie-cutter approach to dog training.

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Video: Punitive vs. Positive training - a discussion


Victoria Stilwell speaking with Jennifer Arnold of Canine Assistants about the benefits of positive reinforcement training methods.

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Video: What is discipline and how is it abused?


Victoria Stilwell explains the difference between constructive, non-forceful discipline and abusive, misunderstood discipline.

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Video: Teaching the ‘Leave It’ Cue


Victoria and Spencer demonstrate how to teach a dog to leave a piece of food alone with the Positively Method.

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How much money is actually spent on ingredients in cheap dog food?


An estimate of what it costs to produce cheap dog food and how little of the money that is actually used on the edible part.

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Dogs are not on a quest for world domination


Victoria Stilwell: Dogs are not on a quest for world domination. They are not socialized wolves who are constantly striving to be ‘top dog’ over us, and they are not hard-wired to try and control every situation they are in. Contrary to what traditional training ideologies and much modern media would have you believe, most canine behavior problems stem from insecurity and/or a desire to seek and maintain safety and comfort – not from a desire to establish higher rank and be the ‘alpha’ over you Therefore, teaching dogs ‘who’s boss’ by forcing them into ‘calm submission’ is precisely the opposite of what they really need in order to learn effectively and overcome behavioral issues.

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Video: TED Talk on dog-friendly dog training by Dr. Ian Dunbar

Source: youtube

Speaking at the 2007 EG conference, trainer Ian Dunbar asks us to see the world through the eyes of our beloved dogs. By knowing our pets' perspective, we can build their love and trust. It's a message that resonates well beyond the animal world.

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Stop using choke chains!


Using choke chains on your dogs? Then you should see some of the scientific studies proving how physically and mentally dangerous this is.

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Dog whispering in the 21st century


This article takes an in depth and unbiased look at dog training today, and sheds light on some of the misdirections we as a society have taken towards the way we treat and co-exist with our dogs.

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Interview: Ian Dunbar


An extensive interview by John Bell Young from covering many aspects of the human-dog-relationship. While long, it's well worth the read.

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